Nexia International Webinar | COVID impact on Transfer Pricing – A 360 degree view

Nexia International Webinar | COVID impact on Transfer Pricing – A 360 degree view

About the webinar:

The rapid and global scale outbreak of COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. This disease has transformed into a global pandemic, disrupting lives, crumbling healthcare systems, crushing livelihood, dwindling financial markets, and devastating world economies alike in geometric progression.

COVID-19 is unlike a typical supply chain disruption due to its global impact and has compelled companies to respond immediately to address the near- term sustainability of their existing businesses. It has placed a significant strain on Multinational enterprises’ (MNE) current operations as well as substantial future risk and exposure from a business, tax, and legal perspective.

During this webinar, we will analyse the impact of COVID-19 on tax strategies, in particular on transfer pricing policies adopted by MNEs.


Maulik Doshi – Nexia TP Leader & Senior Director TP, SKP Business Consulting LLP, Mumbai, India.

Gian Luca Nieddu  Partner Head of Transfer Pricing & Tax Value Chain, Hager & Partners, Milan, Italy

Kathryn Rice  Director International Tax Services, CohnReznick, New York, U.S.

Benno Lange – International Tax and Transfer Pricing Partner, dhpg, Bonn, Germany.

Click the Register button below to register for the webinar.

View the Nexia Covid-19 resource Hub >> Here

For further assistance please contact Catarina Breia (+351 91 7575 832 or  from our Tax Department.


2020-06-09T10:13:43+00:00 Junho 9th, 2020|Nexia Webinars|